Research & Development


Research & Development

A.S. Prote Maritime Ltd’ s many years of experience in participating in a large number of research and development projects using new advanced digital technologies, in different fields of interest, as well as our successful presence for 15 years in the past in higher education, makes our company a key player in developing and/or participating in relative projects.

Lately, our research emphasis is focused on the use of new technologies and especially of UAVs, in the marine environment.      

Recent Peer Reviewed Scientific Publications & Conferences

Security Manager Journal, Issue 92, March – April 2021, page 98 (in greek only)

Title: Phorcys & Ceto Σύστημα δύο ΣμηΕΑ ενεργού ρόλου αντιμετώπισης του φαινομένου της πειρατείας

Author: Evan Christodoulou

Visit link>


NΑΤΟ Maritime Interdiction Operational Training Center (NMIOTC) Journal, Issue 23, 2nd Issue 2021, ISSN: 2242-441X, pages 20-24

Title: ARSx2: A marine area surveillance system using UAS, assisting anti-privacy measures and contributing to hostages and/or vessels recovery

Authors: Christodoulou E.*, Charvalis G.*, Melas G.*, Poulakis O.*, Papakonstantinou A.**, Moustakas A.**, Doukari M.**, Moutzouris I.**, Topouzelis K.**
*A.S. Prote Maritime Ltd personnel
** Marine Remote Sensing Group personnel



Scientific Conference of Geography 2020: Geography in a Changing World, University of the Aegean, Lesvos Island, Greece, 2-4 June 2021 (in greek only)

Title: Ανάπτυξη συστήματος επιτήρησης θαλασσίων περιοχών με τη χρήση Συστημάτων μη Επανδρωμένων Αεροσκαφών (ΣμηΕΑ) για την αποφυγή και πρόληψη της πειρατείας σε εμπορικά πλοία

Authors: Papakonstantinou A.**, Moustakas A.**, Batsaris M **, Kosma I. **, Moutzouris I.**, Aggelis S. **, Doukari M.**, Christodoulou E.*, Charvalis G.*, Melas G.*, Topouzelis K.**,
*A.S. Prote Maritime Ltd personnel
** Marine Remote Sensing Group personnel


Annual EUROGEO Conference 2022: Re-Visioning Geography for Sustainability in the Post-Covid Era, University of the Aegean, Lesvos Island, Greece, 5-7 May 2022

Title: ARSx2 – An innovative unmanned aerial platform to monitor the marine environment and tackle emerging phenomena in maritime transport

Authors: Papakonstantinou A.**, Moustakas A.**, Charvalis G.*, Christodoulou E.*, Melas G.*, Topouzelis K.**,
*A.S. Prote Maritime Ltd personnel
** Marine Remote Sensing Group
